Creating AR filters for marketing

Augmented reality (AR) filters are digital effects that overlay images or videos on a user's camera, creating an immersive and interactive experience. AR filters can be used for various purposes, such as entertainment, education, social media, gaming, and marketing.

AR For Marketing

Marketing is one of the most popular and effective applications of AR filters, as they can help brands to increase awareness, engagement, conversion, and loyalty among their target audiences. AR filters can also provide valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and feedback.


The process of creating AR filters for marketing usually involves the following steps

  • 1


    What do you want to achieve with your AR filter? Is it to raise awareness, generate leads, drive sales, or increase loyalty? How will you measure your success?

  • 2


    Who are you targeting with your AR filter? What are their demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and needs? How will you reach them and motivate them to use your filter?

  • Concept


    What is the idea behind your AR filter? What is the message you want to convey? What is the value proposition you offer? How will you make your filter unique and memorable?

  • Designing-the-filter

    Designing the filter

    How will you design your AR filter? What are the visual elements you will use? What are the interactions you will enable? What are the sounds you will add? How will you optimize your filter for performance and usability?

  • Testing-the-filter

    Testing the filter

    How will you test your filter before launching it? What are the feedback mechanisms you will use? How will you ensure your filter works well on different devices and platforms?

  • Launching-the-filter

    Launching the filter

    How will you launch your filter to your audience? What are the channels you will use? How will you promote your filter and encourage user-generated content? How will you monitor and analyze your results?

Benefits of using AR filters for marketing

  • Increasing-brand-awareness

    Increasing brand awareness

    Reach new audiences and increase their visibility and recognition. Taco Bell created an AR filter that turned users’ faces into tacos on Snapchat, generating over 224 million views in one day.

  • Increasing-user-engagement

    Increasing user engagement

    Create engaging and interactive experiences that capture users’ attention and emotions. Nike created an AR filter that allowed users to try on different sneakers on Instagram, generating over 4 million impressions in two weeks

  • Conversion-rates

    Conversion rates

    Drive users to take action or make a purchase. A travel agency can use AR filters to show users how they would look in different destinations, and then offer them a discount code or a booking link.